To Increase Work Productivity, Remember Fitness and Health

To Increase Work Productivity, Remember Fitness and Health

Productivity is one of the most important things for every employee in the workplace.  We’re often focused on getting our work done for the day, but the question arises: How can we further optimize to work more efficiently? 

Here are three basic ideas that anyone can do during the 9-5!

Get Some Stretching

You can buy some resistance bands and loops that you can use while you are doing work. Simply wear them around your legs and pull them away from each other. You can also make a loop and stretch your arms using it as you take short breaks. Doing this will give you a boost of energy and you will not feel tired as you work.

Climb the Stairs (Or Go for a Walk)

Ditch the elevator and use the old school way to move through the floors. This will help you improve your physical fitness as well as your mental health – get more muscles to work and more blood circulation all over your body. In addition, you get to have more oxygen flowing towards your brain that makes a real difference. You feel more alert and ready to accomplish tasks that way.  If there are not many flights of stairs where you work, you can always go for a quick walk outside too.

Stay Hydrated

Binging on coffee and tea is one of the main things that we do when we are working at a desk for a long time. However, due to their diuretic properties, they could be dehydrating, which can result in you getting quite tired and drained even when you are on that "caffeine high." Therefore, it is important to keep your hydration level up with water. Have a water bottle with you at all times, and make sure to stay hydrated. Instead of drinking water only when you are very thirsty, try consuming water every 1.5 to 2 hours. This will make sure you stay hydrated for the whole day.

These are some of the fitness and health tips that you can try if you want to make yourself more productive at work!