How to Prepare your Elevator Pitch for Jobs

How to Prepare your Elevator Pitch for Jobs

An elevator pitch or elevator speech is a quick summary of yourself that you can deliver in 30 to 60 seconds, i.e. the amount of time you take in a typical elevator ride. It is an instant benefit to present yourself to anyone in the shortest possible time in the best way.

Quickly introducing yourself in a compelling way can help you start a successful professional conversation by creating the right impression of you.  You may need to introduce yourself at some networking event, in an interview for a job or to a colleague. Here you can use the elevator pitch as an effective tool to make a practical and straightforward introduction.

What to include in an elevator pitch

Introduce yourself

Start your pitch with your introduction telling your name with a smile and greetings.

What you do

Here you will briefly tell about the most relevant information, including your work experience and specialties. For this purpose, first, write down everything that comes to your mind. Then refine and shorten it by including the most critical and vital information about yourself. The point you include depends on your audience.  Include the points most relevant to them.

What you want

This is the part that will be structured according to the use of the pitch. If you are using the pitch for a job, you can explain what value you can add to the company or what connection you want to make with your audience. Focus on what you want to deliver to your listeners.

Finish with a call to action

The ending of your elevator pitch should explain what you want for next steps. For example, it may be expressing being hired for a job or asking for a networking meeting.

More tips for the elevator pitch

There are some things you should keep in mind during your elevator speech.

Talk naturally

Avoid talking in a robotic way trying to deliver a memorized introduction. Talk naturally where the listeners feel you are talking to them rather than delivering a speech. Train yourself to remember points you want to convey instead of whole sentences.

Speak slowly

Do not speak too fast as the listener might lose some vital information. Sometimes when people get nervous, they babble to finish the talking. Take a few breaths in the pitch to make a natural pace and consciously reduce your speed.

Tailor words to the audience

Make the speech simple so that your audience can understand you.  Tailor your word choice to terminology that your audience would understand.   This makes your conversation more likely to continue.  If you are pitching for an IT job, use IT terminology that shows your expertise in that specific IT field.

Have multiple elevator pitches prepared

Generally, it is good to have a general elevator pitch and then make minor changes according to its use. You do not need to restrict yourself to a single elevator pitch. You may need a whole new pitch for a different job. Tailor your pitch according to your audience and the goals you want to mention.